About Us

Engaging Learning Environment

your child will develop self-esteem, independence and language

We have a caring, stimulating environment with happy kids you’ll feel it right away when you walk into our door. We have a vibrant, clean, fun space for your child? It's welcoming and reflective of diversity and the children have age-appropriate environments for each stage. The infant room have plenty of floor space for crawlers or babies who need tummy time and the older kids have desks or tables for coloring or crafts.

  • A Stimulating Curriculum
  • A Qualified, Caring Staff Since 2011
  • Clean, Safe Facility
  • Partner of Grow NJ Kids

Our Educational Plan

We have excellent early care and education programs that allow for children to be invested in the materials and their learning. Skilled teachers balance important learning outcomes with children’s natural interests.

By building strong home-school relationships from the start, parents and teachers can support children and prepare them for future success, both in and outside the classroom.